Locksmith Rutherford NJ phone

Locksmith Rutherford NJ

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Our Services

Lock Change

Lock Out

Lock Rekeying

New Ignition key

Car Key Replace

Transponder Chip Key

Are your locks and keys damaged due to all the heavy usage you’ve had over the past few years? To find the best locksmiths in New Jersey, count on Locksmith Rutherford NJ to deliver top notch customer service you’ve always been craving. We’ve got your back on this one, client!

Locksmiths of the Rutherford regions

Transponder key cutting and programming is something you can always expect with our locksmiths. Have you been waiting for someone to come into your life and make your chip keying dreams come true? If so, our programmers know how to handle this. We’ll sync up your keys with your ignitions so you can start your engines.


Duplicate key price doesn’t have to be even more than the original when you come to our locksmiths. Our mobile cutters understand that duplicating keys when you need them can be pretty expensive if you go to the wrong place. To find the best prices, check out our online coupons; they’ll save you plenty!

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Professionals who are ready to help your lock problems

Even though locks and keys are our specialities, our locksmiths can handle nearly any locksmith problem you throw our way. Do you need an ignition cylinder repair? Perhaps your exit panic bar has went missing and you’d like us to install a new one. Whatever it might be, know that our guys are up for the challenge.


With Locksmith Rutherford of New Jersey being around 24/7 to help you through your toughest problems, you’ll never have to worry about a shore of lockouts getting the best of you. Contact our phone reps today if you’d like some more information on everything we can do for your locksmithing.

Locksmith Rutherford NJ
46 Ames Ave, Rutherford, NJ 07070
www.locksmithrutherfordnj.com | Call Now: 201-528-8702
Monday to Friday: 8 AM To 6 PM | Saturday & Sunday: 10 AM To 5 PM
Copyright 2017 © www.locksmithrutherfordnj.com